ترجمة بواسطة الموقع
ألف الصلاة والسلام عليك يا حبيب الله محمد
هب السعد هبايبه لرياحي
ويا شاريه لعباد والصلاحي
ويا مهرة عند الأجواد ربوها
بيت رفيع ومركز عالي
أمينة في أمانيها
مليحة في معانيها
تجلت وانجلت حقا
سألت الله يهنيها
لا إله إلا الله
لا إله إلا الله
عوذوا الزينة بالله
لا إله إلا الله
يا مصلي الخمسين
لا إله إلا الله
هذه عطايا الراحمين
وقولوا اسم الله على غزال طب قولوا اسم الله
وقولوا اسم الله على غزال طب قولوا اسم الله
ويا زين دله أبو العيون السود يا زين دله
وقولوا هلا بللي زها بلبس الحرير
مورد الخدين مربوع الشفاه
تعالي تعالي طبي هلا حياج الله تعالي
حلالي ومالي كله على شانج حلالي ومالي
يا معيريس عين الله تراك القمر والنجوم تمشي وراك
يا معيريس أنا زفيتك والولد شايل الدلة ورآك
يا معيريس أنا زفيتك والولد شايل المِدخن ورآك
لا إله إلا الله
لا إله إلا الله
عوذوا المعرس بالله
لا إله إلا الله
يا شمعة الصبياني
لا إله إلا الله
يا خويتم باليمين
لا إله إلا الله
عمت عينك يا حسود
لا إله إلا الله
يالـ ما تصلي على النبي
لا إله إلا الله
يا مصلي الخمسين
لا إله إلا الله
هذه عطايا الراحمين
لا إله إلا الله
Thousand blessings and peace be upon you, O Messenger of Allah, Muhammad
Happiness blew in my direction, like the wind
O you, who want to walk the path of worship and righteousness in your life
O you, a filly, brought up in the house of the nobles
A house of high self-esteem and proud
Honest in her wishes,
Gorgeous in her looking
Manifested and revealed in reality,
I asked Allah to bless her life
There is no god, but Allah
There is no god, but Allah
Ask Allah to protect the beautiful lady from the devil, with Allah name
There is no god, but Allah
O you, who said “Blessings and peace be upon you, O Messenger of Allah, Muhammad” for fifty times
There is no god, but Allah
These are the gifts of Allah, the most merciful
Say the name of Allah for a deer approaching us, say Allah name
Say the name of Allah for a deer approaching us, say Allah name
O you, what a beautiful spoiled girl, O you with a black eye, what a beautiful spoiling
And say, welcome to she who flourished with silk dress
Her Flushed cheeks and with beautiful lips
Come on in, come on in, welcome, Allah have his greets for you.
My properties and money all for you, for your sake
O groom, Allah will protect you with his almighty, the moon and the stars walking behind you
O groom, me who walking with you, the boy carrying the Dallah (of Arabic coffee) behind you
O groom, me who walking with you, the boy carrying the incense pot behind you
There is no god, but Allah
There is no god, but Allah
Say the name of Allah, to protect him from the devil
There is no god, but Allah
O you, the torch of youthfulness
There is no god, but Allah
O you, who will enter (Bride’s wedding room) with his right feet
There is no god, but Allah
We ask Allah to blind whom, who envy him
There is no god, but Allah
When you’re not saying “blessings and peace be upon you, O Messenger of Allah, Muhammad “, when you’re looking at him
There is no god, but Allah
O you, who said “Blessings and peace be upon you, O Messenger of Allah, Muhammad” for fifty times
There is no god, but Allah
These are the gifts of Allah, the most merciful
There is no god, but Allah