أُغنية (شمس الغرام)

كلمات: الشيخ أحمد بن محمد ال مكتوم – ألحان: فايز السعيد

شَمس الغرام أضحت من الهَجر شَارقة
من بعد ما هي بالمواصيل شَارقة
مأجور يا جــــفنٍ شكى قل نـــــــومة
دمــــــع الـــحزن من ليــــعة البين هارقة

شَمس الغرام أضحت من الهَجر شَارقة
من بعد ما هي بالمواصيل شارقة
مأجور يا جــــفنٍ شكى قل نـــــــومة
دمــــــع الـــحزن من ليــــعة البين هارقة

على مُحــــبٍ نـــــــازح بعدي حلاه
ولا أنـــــا ما كــــــان ودي أفـــــــــــارقه
عــليه قلـــــبي زايـــــداتٍ شــــجونه
ومـُـــفارق خلــه يلي نـــــــارٍ حارقة

مقالات ذات صلة

شَمس الغَرام أضحت من الهَجر شَارقة
من بعد ما هي بالمواصيل شارقة
مأجور يا جــــفنٍ شكى قل نـــــــومة
دمــــــع الـــحزن من ليــــعة البين هارقة

شَمس الغرام أضحت من الهَجر شَارقة
من بعد ما هي بالمواصيل شَارقة
مأجور يا جــــفنٍ شكى قل نـــــــومه
دمــــــع الـــحزن من ليــــعة البين هارقة

كــل ما بـــغيت أنــساه جدد جروحــي
شوقٍ سرى في مزنةِ الحُب بارقة
ولــت بـــــيوفي وانــبتت بين هــواها
والصبح تصبح في المـــــعاني فارقة

معــــــذور خلي، إن تخــلى وتناســـــى
بحمد أنــه طـــــارق الوجــد طــارقة
أعــطيت لــــــه قلبي هديــة، وراضي
لا هو غصـــــــب عني، ولا هو بسارقة

شمس الغرام أضحت من الهَجر شَارقة
من بعد ما هي بالمواصيل شارقة
مأجور يا جــــفنٍ شكى قل نـــــــومة
دمــــــع الـــحزن من ليــــعة البين هارقة

شَمس الغرام أضحت من الهجر شَارقة
من بعد ما هي بالمواصيل شَارقة
مأجور يا جــــفنٍ شَكى قل نـــــــومة
دمــــــع الـــحزن من ليــــعة البين هارقة

معـذور خلي أن تــخلى وتناســـى
بحمد أنه طارق الوجــد طــارقة
أعطيت له قلبي هديه وراضــي
لا هو غصب عني، و لا هو بسارقة

واليوم روحي ما يوصف شـقاها
في زحمه الأقدار، والهَجر غارقة
شمس الغرام بظلمة الهَجر غابت
فارقت خلنٍ، ما تمنيت أفـــارقه

شَمس الغرام أضحت من الهجر شَارقة
من بعد ما هي بالمواصيل شَارقة
مأجور يا جــــفنٍ شكى قل نـــــــومة
دمــــــع الـــحزن من ليــــعة البين هارقة

The sun of love has returned to its rising direction, because of abandonment,
After, it was shining because of our close relation with the beloved!
You will be rewarded by Allah, O eyelid, if you complain to Allah about your condition, because of lack of sleep,
Because the tear of sadness is painful, because of separation from the beloved!

The sun of love has returned to its rising direction, because of abandonment,
After, it was shining because of our close relation with the beloved!
You will be rewarded by Allah, O eyelid, if you complain to Allah about your condition, because of lack of sleep,
Because the tear of sadness is painful, because of separation from the beloved!

Because of the beloved whose handsomeness I left,
As for me, I did not want to leave him,
My heart yearned for him (the beloved) more,
And the one who left his beloved, the fire melted him (from longing/burned him from longing)!

The sun of love has returned to its rising direction, because of abandonment,
After, it was shining because of our close relation with the beloved!
You will be rewarded by Allah, O eyelid, if you complain to Allah about your condition, because of lack of sleep,
Because the tear of sadness is painful, because of separation from the beloved!

The sun of love has returned to its rising direction, because of abandonment,
After, it was shining because of our close relation with the beloved!
You will be rewarded by Allah, O eyelid, if you complain to Allah about your condition, because of lack of sleep,
Because the tear of sadness is painful, because of separation from the beloved!

Every time I want to forget him, he renews my wounds,
I miss him a lot, as if it were rain from a dense cloud,
This much longing has gone, from inside my heart, and has grown between his love,
And in the morning, the morning has begun to see the beauty in his appearance, different from everyone else!

You have my excuse, O my love, for abandoning me, and forgetting me,
But I yearn for you, and miss you,
I gave you my heart as a gift, and I am satisfied with that,
It was not against my will, nor was it against your will, and not stole my heart from me!

The sun of love has returned to its rising direction, because of abandonment,
After, it was shining because of our close relation with the beloved!
You will be rewarded by Allah, O eyelid, if you complain to Allah about your condition, because of lack of sleep,
Because the tear of sadness is painful, because of separation from the beloved!

The sun of love has returned to its rising direction, because of abandonment,
After, it was shining because of our close relation with the beloved!
You will be rewarded by Allah, O eyelid, if you complain to Allah about your condition, because of lack of sleep,
Because the tear of sadness is painful, because of separation from the beloved!

You have my excuse, O my love, for abandoning me, and forgetting me,
But I yearn for you, and miss you,
I gave you my heart as a gift, and I am satisfied with that,
It was not against my will, nor was it against your will, and not stole my heart from me!

Today, my soul’s misery is indescribable, drowning in the crowds of fate and abandonment.
The sun of love has set in the darkness of abandonment, and I have parted from my companion (my beloved), I never wished to part from him.

The sun of love has returned to its rising direction, because of abandonment,
After, it was shining because of our close relation with the beloved!
You will be rewarded by Allah, O eyelid, if you complain to Allah about your condition, because of lack of sleep,
Because the tear of sadness is painful, because of separation from the beloved!

اكتشاف المزيد من مُنتدى المُوسيقى و تَرجمة كلمات الأغاني

اشترك للحصول على أحدث التدوينات المرسلة إلى بريدك الإلكتروني.

اظهر المزيد

أغاني اليوم

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زر الذهاب إلى الأعلى
error: شكراً لزيارتكم الموقع، يُرجى مُشاركة المُحتوى بالطرق المَعروفة

اكتشاف المزيد من مُنتدى المُوسيقى و تَرجمة كلمات الأغاني

اشترك الآن للاستمرار في القراءة والحصول على حق الوصول إلى الأرشيف الكامل.

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