قصيدة البهلول – الشيخ المغربي يحيى الدين الشرفي
(الترجمة بواسطة الموقع)
يا قَـلبي ثِـق بالله، فَـهوَ المُـعطي المـانِع
وارضَ بِـقَضَـاءِ الله، إنَّـك لله راجِـع
مـاذا فـي عِـلمِ الله، الخِـيْـرَةُ بِـالواقِع
تَـدبـيـرَكْ مـا يِـسْـــــوى، مِـن تَـدبـيـرَك دَعـني
مِـنِّي آش عْـلَـيَّا، وأنـا عَـبـدٌ مَمْـلُوكْ
والحـاجَـةُ مـقْضِـيَّة، مـا في التَـحْقيق شـــكوك
رَبِّـي فَـانْـظُـر لَـيَّا، رَبِّـي فَـانْـظُـر لَـيَّا، وأنـا نَظَـري مَتروك
في الأرحـام وفي الحـاشْ، مِـن نُطْـفة صَـوَّرَني
في ظُـلُمَةِ الأرحـام، صَـوَّرَني مِـن نُطْـفة
وبَـدالي بِالإنعام، نِعمة مِـن كُـلِّ صِـفة
وخَـلَقلي مـاء وطَـعام، ونَـعايِمَ مُخْـتَلِفة
ونَـزِلتُ بِـغَيـرِ قِـماش، غَطَّـاني وسَـــتَـرَني
مـا نـزِلتْ إلَّا عَـريـان، لا أعـرِفُ ذا مِـن ذا
سَــــتَرَ الله المَنَّان، وجَـعَل للروحَ غِـذاء
لـبَناً يَجـري بِـأمـان، بِشَــــرابه نِـتـغَـذَّا
وبَسَـــطلي الأرضَ فِـراش، والسَّـــما سَــــقفاً مَبني
يا قَلبي لا تِهتَم، واترُك هَـمَّ البـاطِـن
والمَقدور محَـتَّم، سوف ترى وتعايِن
سَـــــــلَّـمْ تِـســــــلَم واعـلَم، أنَّ المَقضي كـائِـن
مَـن سَـــــــلَّـم أمرُهْ عـاشْ، في الدُّنـيا مِـتهَـنِّي
قَـلبي كُـلُّه في الشَّـــــرق، وأنـا في الغَـربِ غَريب
مِـن نَجـد يلـوح البَـرق، نِبقى في حال عجيب
تتعَجَّـب مِـنِّي الخلق، مِمَّا أحـضَــر وأغيـب
طــــير مـقَـصْــقَـصْ الجـناح، في سِـــــجنُه يشـــــــبَهني
أوصـــيكَ بِـتَقوى الله، في سِـــــرِّكَ والإعلان
وتَيَقَّنْ أنَّ الله، حـاضِـر في كُـلِّ مَكـان
إذا نِفعَـك الله، حاشى يضُــرَّك إنســــان
صَــفِّـيها مِـن الأغشــــــاش، إنْ كُـنت تطــاوِعني
قـالولي وَقتَكْ ضـاع، والنَـفَقة ما تِكسَـــــــبْ
قُـلتْ الخـالِق رَزَّاق، اللِّي ابقى بِحســـــاب
قـالولي امشِ بالسُّـــــوق، وتعـاطى وتسَـــــــبَّب
قُـلتْ فـراخ الأعْـشــــــاش، رازِقـهُـم رَبِّـي
قـالولي مــا تُـخـدُم، قُـلتْ الخُـدمة شَــــــــرَفي
مَـنْ لَـم يَخْــدُم يَـندَم، و غَـليلُه مـا يِشْــــــفي
بِحِــزامي اَتْحَـزَّم، و اُشَــــمِّرْ عَـن كِـتفي
و اخـدُم حـتَّى الخَـمَّان، إنْ رادْ يخـدمني
قـالولي بَـعض النَّـاس، مـا تِعقَل يا بَهلول
واترُك عَـنك الوَسْــــواس، و اعـلَم ما انت تقول
وابــنِ حِـيطَك بِـأســـاس، إنَّ ربـاطَـك مَـحـلول
قـلتلهُم دون هـواشْ، أنـصَــفتُمْ لَــكِـــنِّـي
قـالولي يا بَهلول، لا تِـدخُــل الجامِع
إلَّا بِصَـــــلاة وِســــــــــــكُـــون، وِتكُون لله خـاشِــع
قُـلتلهُم إيـش نـقول، حَـــتَّى ما نِتواضَــع
يَـحْــظى مِـنِّـي الدِّرْفاش، بِترابُه يـجــالِســــني
الدُّنيا إيــش تكــون، إذْ انتم في وَجــدي
الدُّنيا دُون الدُون، وِش قـيمِتها عَـندي
بـاش تقولوا مَـجـــنون، و حِــجــاري في يَـدِّي
يا نـاس عَـقلي طــاش، خَـــلُّوني في جَـــنِّي
الأرضُ بِـســـــــاطُ الله، و أنا في أرضِ الله
والخَــلقُ عِـــبادُ الله، و أنا مِـن خَــلقِ الله
والرِّزْقُ عَــطاءُ الله، نأكُــل مِـن رِزْقِ الله
ما نِتحَــيَّـر مِـن واشْ، ونَصــيــبي يَــتْـبَـعني
خـالِف نَفسَـــــكْ واقـطَـــع، كُـل عـلامة عنك
والشَّــــهوى لا تِتْبَع، واســــقُطــها مِـن ذِهـنَك
وغروس هـواك اقـلَع، آفِـت نَفسَـــــك عَـنَّك
لِـلشَّــــــهوَة يا إنْســـــــان، حـالَك ما يِعجِـبني
سُــــــورة ألَـمْ نَشْـــــــرَحْ، تِـقْـرَأْ تِشـــــرِحْ بالي
وبِحَــمدِ الله نِفرَح، وتحُقِّ البُشــــــرَى لي
يا قَلبي امسِ واصبَحْ، هَـم الدُّنيا ســــالي
مَـنْ سَـــــلَّمْ أمرُه عاش، في الدُّنيا مِتهَنِّي
عَـفوك عَـن مَـن ظَــلَمَكْ، عَـفوك عَـن مَـن ظَــلَمَكْ، عَـفوك عَـن مَـن ظَــلَمَكْ، بَعضْ مكــارِمْ أخلاقْ
ومـواصَـلتَك رَحــمة، فــيما يُـرضــي الخَـلَّاق
وعطــاءَك مَـن حَــرَمَـــك، نُور وبَهجِة واِشـراق
الدُّنيا كُـلَّها لاش، نَـــحِّــــــي و اِبعِـــدْ عَـــنِّي
وسَـــــــــلامُ الله عَـــلى، خَــيـرِ الخَــلْقِ صَــلِّ
وعَــلى السِّـــــادَة الفُضَـــلاء، نِتـرَجَّى يِشـــفَعلي
و حَـديث حِـما ليلا، و حَـديث حِـما ليلا، ليلة وليلة وليلة، و حَـديث حِـما ليلا، غَـرَّبـنـي عَـنْ أهلي
لِـلمَسْـــــعَى عَـقلي طــاش، والقُـدرة عـانِـتني
رُوحـوا عَـنِّي عُـزَّل، خَـلُّوني في حـالي
ما يِـتعَـلَّق بـالي، بِحَـديث وَلا تـالــي
وَلُّــــوا عَــِّـني عُـزَّل، بِـالتِّــيه أولــى لــي
عَــنِّـي عَــنِّـي يا طــيَّـاش، اِتْـرُكْ مـا لا يَـعنيكْ
فَـتَـأمَّـلْ في نَـغَـمي، وإنْـشــــــادي والأوزان
و عَــــلى النَّـــبي صَــلِّ، و اتوسَّـــــل لِـلدَّيَّان
و اِســــمَع أحمَـــــد شُـــــــــــكري، بِــــمَـدائِحِ العَـدنان
تُـنظُــر ثَــمَرِة فِــكري، بِــأعــذَبِ الألحــــان
و أنا مالي فــيهـــاش، واشْ عـــلَــــيَّا مِـــنِّـــي
يا قَـلبي ثِـق بِـالله، فَـهوَ المُـعطي المـانِع
وارضَ بِـقَضَـاءِ الله، إنَّـك لله راجِـع
و أنا مالي فــيهـــاش، واشْ عـــلَــــيَّا مِـــنِّـــي
إنِّـــي و آشْ عـــــلَــــيَّا، و أنا مالي فــيهـــاش
واشْ عـــلَــــيَّا مِـــنِّـــي
O my heart, trust in Allah
O my heart, trust in Allah, He is the giver and the withholder
And be satisfied with Allah’s decree, to Allah you will return
What you choose in your life, it is all in Allah’s knowledge
You can’t do anything if Allah doesn’t want it for you!
O my heart, turn away from me, I cannot do anything, and I am a servant of Allah
Allah will fulfill your needs, there is no doubt about that
O Allah, look at my situation, O Allah, look at my situation, and I will leave everything to you alone
In the mother’s womb, and inside her organs, Allah depicted my picture, when I was as a sperm
In the darkness of the wombs, Allah created me in this form from a sperm
And Allah created blessings for us, a blessing in every way
Allah created water and food for me, and various blessings
When I was born without clothes to cover me, Allah covered me and protect me
I was born as Allah created and shaped me, not knowing anyone in this world
Allah alone, who has bestowed upon us, covered us, and given us food for our soul
Inside the mother’s breast, there is milk that we can safely drink and feed on
Allah spread the earth plain before us, and raised the sky-high, like a roof on the earth
O my heart, don’t worry, and leave your inner worries
Everything is destined by Allah, and it will be done in due time, you will see it with your own eyes
Leave your affairs to Allah alone, you will be safe from everything, and be aware that destiny is from Allah, and will come into its due time
Whoever leaves his affairs to Allah, lives in this world and will be happy with it
My whole heart is tied towards the East, and I am in the country of the West (the Arab Maghreb), as a stranger
From the land of Najd, where light appears from afar, I am afflicted with a strange condition, and I remain in this state!
People even wonder about my condition, and what happens to me if I come and if I leave
As if I were a bird, its wings clipped, inside a prison
I advise you, my heart, to fear Allah, in secret and in public
And be confident that Allah is present everywhere
If Allah wants to benefit you, no human being will ever harm you
My heart, let your intentions be pure and free of deceit, if you want to listen to me
They told me, “You are running out of time, you are old, and your money is not enough for you in this life.”
I told them, “Allah is the Creator who will provide for me and provide for everyone, and He will preserve my life, each according to his fate and in his time.”
They told me, “To walk in the markets and ask people for money!”
I told them, “Little chicks of the birds, Allah provides them with deeds, even though they are without strength or ability.”
They told me, “To work in home service and cleaning.”, I told them, “There is no problem, home service is work, and it is an honor for me.”
Whoever does not work to serve people will regret it, and the effect of that will be in his heart, work is like worshiping Allah!
I will have my arms tightened, and a tight belt across my back
I will work in service, even the one who serves and sweeps the floor from dust, I will serve him, if he asks me to do so
Some people said to me, “O Bahloul, Why don’t you return to your sane state, instead of this madness of yours!”,
“Abandon the obsession within you, and know the wisdom when you are talking”,
“And build a structure with a foundation for yourself, for your situation is miserable and does not help you to where you are now.”
I responded to them, without arguing with them, and said, “You have spoken the truth,” but
They told me, “Bahloul, do not enter the mosque…”,
“Unless, for the sake of prayer only, perform your prayers quietly, and be humble in your prayers, for Allah alone.”
I told them, “What should I say?”, until I reached a stage of humility, until
The worms come and eat my body when I am buried in the dirt, because Allah created me from the mud
For me, I see that Allah is all good to me, and what is in this world will be easy for me
In this life, if Allah is pleased with me and gives me goodness, will be more enough to me, It is less than the least I have to me in this life, It has no value to me at all
Do you want to say that I am crazy? And I hold pieces of small stones in my hand
People, this is my mind, leave me alone, as you describe me as crazy
This land is for everyone, Allah spread it, and now I am walking on the ground that Allah has spread it for us
All people, Allah created them, and I am one of these people, whom Allah created
Sustenance is in the hands of Allah alone, He alone is the Provider, we eat from this provision of His
Why are we confused about this matter? I will receive my livelihood from Allah, as Allah wills
O my heart, go against what the soul wants, and cut off all evil from you
Self-lust, do not follow it, and remove it from your mind
And your soul, which instilled in you the desire for what you want, uproot it, this is a bane for you, It will eat the green and dry inside your soul
Regarding self-lust, O human being, this is not good for you
Read Surah from Qur’an, and your mind will be settled
You will rejoice, Allah willing, and praise and thank Allah alone, and good news will come true for you
My heart, leave the worries of this life, in the morning and evening, and you will be at ease
Surrender your affairs to Allah alone, and live your life in this world in happiness and comfort
Your forgiveness for those who wronged you, your forgiveness for those who wronged you, your forgiveness for those who wronged you, some of the noble morals
And continue with people with mercy, in what pleases Allah and people
Giving well, even to those who deprive you of giving, will give your heart light, joy and radiance
The whole world is worth nothing to me, step aside and stay away from me, O people, do not advise me
O Allah, may blessings and peace be upon the best of your creation, the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad
And upon the virtuous people after the Messenger, we ask for hope from Allah, in them, that they will intercede for us with Allah in the afterlife
And my prayers at night, and my prayers at night, always at night, kept me away from my family
For this reason, I strived, and my mind was committed to it, and Allah and His power helped me to do so
Leave me alone, leave me, leave me and myself and what I do
I will not care about anything you say, because it has no value to me
Stay away from me and leave me, going to the desert alone is better for me than staying with you
Listen to me, you who want goodness, leave people like these alone, for they are of no use to you
And listen to what I say, including songs and poetry
Pray for the Prophet Muhammad, greeted him greatly, and pleaded only with Allah alone
And hear what (Ahmed Shukri) says about the praises in the Adnan area
In it, you will find a summary of the ideas you have come up with, with the sweetest melodies and sounds
I say it to anyone who listens to it and follows it, and I do not force anyone to do so
My heart, put your trust in Allah alone, He is the one who gives, and He is the one who prevents giving
I am convinced of Allah’s will and destiny, and that I will return to Allah alone and be held accountable by Allah alone
I say it to whoever hears it and follows its path, and I have no desire to hear what people say
I say it to whoever hears it and follows its path, and I have no desire to hear what people say
I have no desire to hear what people say